Commitment Form

As Christians, we have a wonderful blessing in being part of the church. The Bible uses many phrases to describe the church but one that is helpful is the “body of Christ.” The church is made up of many members who have different gifts and talents. God has saved us in Jesus Christ and created us in Him for good works and to utilize the talents with which He has gifted us. Part of our mission at Westgate is to help equip our members to serve the Lord and realize their gifts.

We have many wonderful ministries at Westgate and this booklet was designed to share information about those ministries. “Servant Sunday” is a very important day in the life of the congregation at Westgate. On that day each year, we commit to a ministry or ministries for a one-year period.

To provide clarity for the areas in which you may be most gifted, please take the spiritual gifts test by clicking here. Once you take the test, you can score your answers using the chart found here. You can also access a description of the gifts by clicking here.

We encourage you to read through the booklet and take the spiritual gift assessment. In your prayer and discernment, we encourage you to consider which ministries you could plug in to and serve. All of these ministries are important and they help us grow the body and serve Jesus in this community.

Click here to download an application or fill out the electronic form below.

ministry commitment form

I commit to serving in the following ministries for the upcoming year. I look forward to hearing from the ministry leader(s) and getting involved in these areas. I understand this is a one-year commitment and I will be able to renew or change my ministry commitment(s) at this time next year.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)