Invite Someone to Back-to-Church Sunday

Westgate has always been a welcoming church … A Place to Belong. We know Jesus cared for the lost and for those who no longer go to church, and we want to imitate Jesus by being a people who care about the lost and invite people back to church, whether they have not gone to church in a long time, or ever.

We are asking all our members to be intentional about inviting someone to church on September 17, National Back-to-Church Sunday. Feel free to invite a neighbor or friend, or someone you haven’t seen at church in a while. For a list of former Westgate attendees, please contact the church office.

About National Back-to-Church Sunday

National Back-to-Church Sunday began in 2009 as church attendance in America was declining and church leaders began to look for ways to involve their congregations in reaching out and inviting friends, neighbors, and coworkers to come back to – or try – church for the first time.

Every September since then, we have set aside the third Sunday in September as the day to encourage everyone to attend a Bible-based church in their area and for church leaders to create a welcoming and inviting environment for their visitors.

Since 2009, more than four million Christ-followers have participated through over 40,000 churches…and the movement continues to grow.

Now, more than ever, people need Jesus and a caring community where they can belong, grow, and flourish. This September, we would love for you to be a part of introducing your community to Jesus,  so they can experience His hope and reconnect with others during National Back-to-Church Sunday!

Information courtesy of National Back-To-Church Sunday.